ViUR 3 available and stable

In 2020, we started to develop on the Python 3 port of the server component of ViUR, and renamed it to just core. During the corona pandemic, we silently developed it further and further, to become a production-ready framework used for our customers. This port now reached the stable version 3.2.0 and works fine with Python >= 3.8.

Together with all the changes related the Google App Engine runtime environment for Python 3, we also switched to a new build and maintenance toolchain with PipEnv and PyPI. Therefore, the most recent versions can be found on PyPI, and project setup is easier than ever before.

Additionally, the satellite components of the ViUR ecosystem like viur-vi and viur-base had been refreshed as well, and integrate perfectly with the new framework and Google App Engine services.

If you want to discover more about ViUR and get to know all about it, visit awesome-viur as the landing page to begin.