#ilovefs 2020

Today’s I Love Free Software Day is all about Free Software and Open Source. Free software is an integral part of today's information society and infrastructure.

Everyday’s life would be inconceivable without free software today. Whether operating system, e-mail program, browser, word processor or any apps and web services that we use every day. Somewhere in every kind of software there is a piece of free software nowadays. Without that, the end product that we use usually wouldn’t be the same. The whole internet wouldn't be the one it is today without free software.

However, there is still a lot to do. In municipalities and areas of the general public in particular, it is important that open-source software and open-source formats are used increasingly these days. Not only to implement and improve daily business and data exchange for and between municipalities, but also to process data transparently and securely, and to give everyone the opportunity to improve this transparency and security or to use it on their own. We are therefore very pleased that our business location, the city of Dortmund, is putting a lot of effort into realizing this project, together with the Do-FOSS citizens' initiative.

Our own framework and ecosystem ViUR and its components is also free software, which in turn would not have been possible in this form if other free software had not paved the way for this.

We would like to take this opportunity to say "Thank you!" to everyone who believes in free and open source software, uses it, develops it and improves it! We love Free Software!